How to submit?

Authors may submit papers in either French or English in one of the following two formats:

  • Short format: Maximum of 5 pages, Times New Roman 12, single-spaced, with 2.5 cm margins (excluding the title page, references, and appendices). The first page of the submission must include: the title of the paper, a 150-word abstract (in both French and English), single-spaced, and up to five (5) keywords.

  • Long format: Maximum of 20 pages, Times New Roman 12, single-spaced, with 2.5 cm margins (excluding the title page, references, and appendices). The first page of the submission must include: the title of the paper, a 150-word abstract (in both French and English), single-spaced, and up to five (5) keywords.

The initial submission file must not contain any information about the author(s)' identity (to be provided separately on the submission platform). These details (first name, last name, affiliation, and contact information) will only be included in the final accepted version.

At least one author is required to present the paper if it is accepted.

All submitted papers will undergo a double-blind review process by two reviewers from the Scientific Committee.


Submissions must be made through the dedicated platform:

Submission files in .docx format must be named as follows: LASTNAMEFirstName.docx

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